Enterprise Class Business Management Platform


Getting Started - Brand

Customers who are using multi brand retail, can create and manage multiple brands in DWA Commerce. For eCommerce customers, this automatically creates a microsite or sub-site for each brand registered in DWA Commerce. To create your brand navigate to Getting Started and then click on Brand submenu, you can also create Brands by using the brands submenu in the catalog module or upload the brand template but this tutorial will deal with Brand creation using Getting Started module.
Getting Started > Brands

Follow the instructions below to create a brand -

  1. Click on Getting Started from left navigation menu
  2. Next click on Brands and this opens up the new Brand creation screen.
  3. Enter the brand name
  4. Optionally enter brand description
  5. Next select the brand image by clicking on the id card icon.
  6. Select the date from which this brand will be active and available on the website.

*If you don't know how to upload images then please watch/read the tutorial on Image management.


  • Here is the video tutorial that goes into detail on how to create brands using the getting started module.