Enterprise Class Business Management Platform



Use this tab to search and displays product wise inventory summary of the facility.

Inventory Lots

Inventory Lot is a collection of products (one or more) that are received or dispatched from the facility at a point of time. Use this tab to view the summary of these Inventory Lots.

Search Inventory Lots

Enter the Search parameter and click the [Find] button to view the list of filtered Inventory Lots in the search results section.

Add Inventory Lot

Click the [New Inventory Lot] button to open the new Inventory Lot screen. Enter the information as below:

  • Inventory Lot ID – Auto generated.
  • Inventory Lot Type ID - Select the type inventory (typically "Non-Serialized" or "Serialized").
  • Product ID - The Product ID for the Inventory Lot, which cannot be changed.
  • Party ID - This is your internal ID of a relevant party associated with the product.
  • Owner - This is the owner of the product in the inventory. By default this will be set as your company, however you may enter an alternate owner
  • Date Received - This is the date and time the item was received into your inventory.
  • Expire Date - This is the date and time the item will expire in your inventory (if applicable).
  • Facility ID - You may select the facility using the drop down menu.
  • Container ID- container ID for internal reference.
  • Lot ID – Enter the lot to which the Inventory Lot belongs.
  • Uom Id - Enter the unit of measurement relevant to the Inventory Lot.
  • Bin Number - Enter the bin number for the Inventory Lot
  • Facility Location – Enter the location within the facility where the product will be stored.
  • Unit Cost- Enter the value of one unit of the Inventory Lot. The per unit price is in the currency of your organization.
  • Comments - This optional field allows you to enter any notes relevant to the Inventory Lot.
  • Accounting Quantity Total
  • Serial Number: if it’s a Serialized product, enter a Serial Number to uniquely identify the product.
  • Soft Identifier: Optional Identifier.
  • Activation Number: Some product may require an activation code, enter that number here.
  • Activation Valid Thru: Enter the date through which the product will be active.
  • Available To Promise/Quantity On Hand or (ATP/QOH) - These quantities can be changed by doing a physical inventory variance in the third section of the page.
  • [Transfer Item] - Clicking this button will take you to the Transfer Inventory Screen where you can move your inventory within your facilities.
  • [Inventory Details] - Clicking this button will take you to the Edit Inventory Lot page two screens where you can view inventory details and shipment receipts for the item.

In case you are viewing / editing an existing Inventory Lot,

  • The Inventory Lot Reservation section will display a list of products (part of this Inventory Lot) that have been reserved for orders.
  • Physical Inventory Variance section to record variation in inventory.
    • Variance Reason : Select the reason for variance
    • Available To Promise Var: enter variance value (+) for increase and (-) for decrease in ATP quantity.
    • Quantity On Hand Var: enter variance value (+) for increase and (-) for decrease in QOH quantity.
    • Comments: Enter any comments or reference notes.


Inventory Lots Details

Use this tab to view detailed information about the movements (sale, purchase, return, probably stock movement) of products within the Inventory Lots.